In accordance with Article 3.2 of Law 2/2015, of April 2, of the Generalitat Valenciana, of transparency, good governance and participation (DOGV 7500,08/04/2015) Xarxa Teatre S.L. has received grants from the Institut Valencià de Cultura amounting to 130.000,00 € for the year 2024 and 130.000,00 € for the year 2025 for the productions of La Serena de la Mar i Babel de Xarxa Teatre, as well as, the tour 2024-2025, the attendance to Fairs and the edition of the magazine Fiestacultura.
In accordance with article 3.2 of Law 2/2015, of April 2, of the Generalitat Valenciana, of transparency, good governance and participation (DOGV 7500,08/04/2015) Xarxa Teatre S.L. has received aid from the Conselleria d’Industria, comer i turisme de la Generalitat Valenciana, per al suport a la promoció exterior de la Comunitat Valenciana 2023 per un valor de 7.383,97 €.
In accordance with Article 3.2 of Law 2/2015, of April 2, of the Generalitat Valenciana, of transparency, good governance and participation (DOGV 7500,08/04/2015) Xarxa Teatre S.L. has received grants from the Institut Valencià de Cultura amounting to 125.814,00 € for the year 2022 and 130.000,00€ for the year 2023 for the international co-production XL, as well as, the 40th anniversary tour (2022-2023), the attendance to Fairs and the edition of the magazine Fiestacultura.
De acuerdo con el artículo 3.2 de la Ley 2/2015, de 2 de abril, de la Generalitat Valenciana, de transparencia, buen gobierno y participación (DOGV 7500,08/04/2015) Xarxa Teatre S.L. ha recibido durante el año 2021 ayudas del Institut Valencià de la Cultura por valor de 74.848€ € repartidas de la siguiente forma:
7.348€ para la assistencia de la Mostra d’Alcoi, Fia Tárrega, Umore Azoka y Mercartes.
7.500 € como subvención para la revista internacional cuatrimestral Fiestacultura.
60.000 € para la producción de Biohàbitat, la tercera parte de la trilogía Distopía.
In accordance with Article 3.2 of Law 2/2015, of April 2, of the Generalitat Valenciana, on transparency, good governance and participation (DOGV 7500,08/04/2015) Xarxa Teatre S.L. has received during 2020 grants from the Institut Valencià de la Cultura amounting to € 68,717.00 distributed as follows:
3,117 to cover losses due to the suspensions XX in Vitoria and Veles e Ventes in Pforzheim (Germany) planned but not executed in 2020 due to COVID-19
5,600 as a subsidy for the four-monthly international magazine Fiestacultura and for the publication of the book Paisajes Escénicos (Scenic Landscapes).
60,000 for the production of Ecocidi, the second part of the Dystopia trilogy.